
Showing posts from January, 2019

What is Vitamin and its importance

Combining foods makes eating more interesting and gives room for creativity. However, there are great nutritional values in combining foods and how they are combined matters a lot. There are some food nutrients that may not be easily absorbed by the body but when you blend them with other foods, they become available to the body with ease. Here are some of these combinations. Broccoli and Mustard Raw broccoli contains a cancer fighting compound known as sulforaphane but when you cook your broccoli, you are exterminating the enzyme known as myrosinase which renders sulforaphane accessible to your body. So, when you blend your broccoli with mustard, you will be making use of the extra dose of myrosinase in mustard to aid your body in absorbing more sulforaphane from broccoli. Tomato and Avocado Taking tomato and avocado together, either as a salad or sandwich, will boost the nutrients intake of your body. Tomatoes contain antioxidants known as carotenoids and these antioxidants are easil

What is Kidney stone and ways of Prevention

The thought of penis pain can be quite troubling for any guy. In most cases, penis pain is quite fleeting. It often comes from a source a man knows well, such as excessive masturbation, rough sex or even an infection that can be cleared up with antibiotics. Good penis care is often enough to get a man back on track. But the pain of kidney stones is a whole other beast. Though kidney stones can cause pain and pressure in all parts of the midsection, they can cause serious penis pain as well, especially during the time the stone is actively passing out of the body. Here's what a man needs to know when he is confronted with the pain of kidney stones. What are kidney stones? If a man suffers from certain medical conditions or simply doesn't drink enough water, the minerals in the foods he eats can collect in the kidney, where they form tiny stones. These stones might be in the kidney for years and never cause any problems. However, when they do begin to migrate, they do so by movin

How brain cell works in the body

A recent study by the Stanford research team has concluded that the immune cells send muscle injury signal to activate stem cell regeneration. Immune cells activate cells for muscle regeneration and repair which will aid in treating muscle disorders. Studies indicate that a gene Adamts 1 gets switched on in these cells. This is a secret protein that activates satellite cells in case of muscle injury. But the Adamts 1 does not appear to produce the protein at the injury. There is a white blood cell called macrophage (literally means eaters) which is responsible in producing the protein at the injury site. They travel to the wound and keep it clean and healthy by eating bacteria, the dead cells and viruses. They also release protein to alert the immune system to fight the infection. While cleaning the wound it also signals the muscle to regenerate. The Adamts 1 also nips a protein known as NOTCH which is found on the satellite cell surface. NOTCH indicates to the satellite cell to stay d

What is Human Cell and benefits to the body

At present, there are millions of people across the globe looking for heart transplants. But with a huge shortage of donor, most of these patients don't survive. Growing transplantable hearts in the laboratory is actually a quite old dream within the entire medical community and recently a study published in the journal namely Circulation Research has moved things one step closer to the reality. As mentioned in that study, a team of researchers has become successful in growing a beating human heart in the laboratory from the stem cells. After that, two teams of scientists have published another study mentioning that it is actually possible to create the main elements of the human cardiovascular system from the pluripotent stem cells. This knowledge is not only important for reproducing the entire cardiovascular system, but also for transplantable and developing tissues to care for the patients with vascular or cardiovascular diseases. Developing replacement tissues from the stem ce

How to keep fit from disease

There is a strong association between health status and phenotypic expression. This is something we instinctively know, but it’s largely overlooked within conventional medical circles nonetheless, which is unfortunate, seeing as one can tell a lot about a person’s health and medical situation by examining his or her physical appearance. Whereas characteristics such as white teeth, acne-free skin, thick, beautiful hair, and strong glutes and upper back muscles are all symbolic of good health, characteristics such as high body fat levels, poor posture, and “sunken” facial expressions are indicative of suboptimal health. By tracing these physical characteristics back to the stimuli that produced them, one can alter the health status and appearance of the individual(s) in question. The hunter-gatherer baseline The hunter-gatherer lifestyle – the original/default lifestyle of hominins – produces a characteristic set of phenotypic traits. Foragers are lean and moderately muscular (1, 2, 3).