What is Vitamin and its importance

Combining foods makes eating more interesting and gives room for creativity. However, there are great nutritional values in combining foods and how they are combined matters a lot. There are some food nutrients that may not be easily absorbed by the body but when you blend them with other foods, they become available to the body with ease. Here are some of these combinations.

Broccoli and Mustard

Raw broccoli contains a cancer fighting compound known as sulforaphane but when you cook your broccoli, you are exterminating the enzyme known as myrosinase which renders sulforaphane accessible to your body. So, when you blend your broccoli with mustard, you will be making use of the extra dose of myrosinase in mustard to aid your body in absorbing more sulforaphane from broccoli.

Tomato and Avocado

Taking tomato and avocado together, either as a salad or sandwich, will boost the nutrients intake of your body. Tomatoes contain antioxidants known as carotenoids and these antioxidants are easily absorbed into the body when used with safe fats. Researchers discovered that the combination of tomato and avocado has the ability to boost the absorption of antioxidants in tomato by 15 times more than when the tomato is taken alone. If you don't like avocados, you can make use of other safe fats like flaxseed oil or olive oil.

Onion and Whole Grains

Your body needs zinc, a vital trace mineral that helps in appropriate growth as well as sustenance of your body and its immune system. Whole grains are good sources of zinc and boosting your whole grain sandwich with sliced onion will ensure that sulfurous compounds are introduced which help in increasing the uptake of zinc by the body.

Banana and Yogurt

Have you ever taken banana and yogurt together before? If you have not, you better try them. The combination is great for your body after a workout. The banana provides the carbohydrate that your body needs while the yogurt provides the protein that will repair your worn out cells. The protein in this blend reduces the absorption of liquid carbohydrate which in turn leads to the reduction of your post-meal rapid blood glucose rise. In addition, when these two foods get into your stomach, the nutrients from banana will feed the good bacteria you drank in the yogurt in order to enhance your immunity.

Spinach and Olive Oil

Vitamins A and K in spinach are fat-soluble vitamins that are not easy to absorb when there is deficiency of fat. The best combination for spinach is olive oil because it contains high mono-saturated fat content, which is good for the prevention of heart diseases. If you are not a fan of olive oil, you can make use of sesame oil, flaxseed oil or any other nut oil.

Vitamin B refers to a group of 8 vitamins. They are vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (Biotin), vitamin B8 (myo-inositol), vitamin B9 (Folic acid) and vitamin B12 (Cobalamin). Vitamin B plays a significant role in cell metabolism. At initial phase, scientists consider it is an individual vitamin much like we call vitamin A or vitamin C. However later in time, several scientific researches proved that they are cluster of chemically distinctive vitamins that may coexist in certain foods. Nutritional supplements containing all of the eight vitamins are referred to as vitamin B complex. On the other hand, nutritional supplement consisting of single vitamin B component is referred to specific name.

Vitamin B Functions

Vitamin B functions effectively for providing a whole host of health benefits. It maintains and boost up the metabolism rate. It also aids in maintaining healthy skin and offers flexibility in the muscle tone. Vitamin B functions well in managing a healthy immune system and it also offers a hale and hearty nervous system functioning. Vitamin B affects cell division and cell metabolism. It also affects the production of red blood cells. A deficiency in vitamin B may lead to anemia. Vitamin B complex is essential for fighting against different symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and cardiovascular diseases.

All of the B vitamins are water soluble; however, a six year of vitamin B12 storage was seen in the liver, regardless of its water soluble nature.

Vitamin B Sources

The supply of vitamin B is abundant in nature. You can easily add it in your diet list. The natural sources may include potatoes, chili peppers, bananas, liver oil, tuna, lentils, tempeh, turkey and liver. Molasses and nutritional yeast are known sources of vitamin B.

Vitamin B Deficiencies

Inadequate supply of sufficient B-vitamins may lead to vitamin B deficiencies. It may cause different types of health complications. Lack of Thiamin or vitamin B1 may cause Beriberi. The typical symptoms may include weakness, disorder in nervous system, significant weight loss, irregular heart beat, and edema. Vitamin B deficiencies may also result in ariboflavinosis. Poor supply of vitamin B2 in diet may cause this complication. The common symptoms may include hypersensitivity to sunlight, edema, cheilosis, hyperemia and oral mucosa. Pellagra is another health complications occurred as a result of vitamin B deficiencies.

Niacin plays a major role here. Lack of niacin in regular diet may ensure the possibility of this health complication. Common symptoms may include aggression, dermatitis, confusion, insomnia and diarrhea. In severe cases, pellagra may cause mortality also.

Not so common in every day practice, but a deficiency in Pantothenic acid may cause vitamin B deficiencies. It may result in acne and paresthesia. A lack in pyridoxine supply may lead to a whole host of health complications. All of these complications are known health complications arising from vitamin B deficiencies. The common complications are depression, mood disorder, hypertension, anemia, water retention, and increased level of homocysteine. Inadequate supply of Biotin may result in vitamin B deficiencies that largely affect infants. It may lead to developmental disorder and neurological disorder among children. Folic acid deficiency may lead to an increased level of homocysteine, which may lead to birth defects during pregnancy. Deficiency in vitamin B12 may result in megaloblastic anemia, memory loss and cognitive decline.

Several studies are going on in the support of possible health benefits provided by vitamin B supplements. Studies reveal that folic acid may be found beneficial in preventing birth defects and combating against colorectal cancer. Additionally, it is documented that high levels of folate in combination with other vitamin supplements may actually reduce the risk of breast cancer. Typically clinical trials put emphasis on the combination of folate and vitamin B6 that are helpful in minimizing the potential risk factors triggering breast cancer. It is naturally available in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus.

Most of us try to maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and take in enough vitamins and minerals - even if it means popping a multivitamin to make up for the greasy burger and fries a couple times a week. However, sometimes the body just doesn't get the nutrition it needs and can become vitamin deficient in one area or another, which may lead to potentially serious consequences. Vitamin D is one such vitamin that nobody can afford to fall short on, which is a bummer for those individuals who miss out on food sources of vitamin D due to milk allergies or have an aversion to the sun. Learn why a vitamin D deficiency puts one's health - including sexual health - at risk and how to maintain the healthy penis and body for the long haul.

Why is vitamin D important?

Any one who has ever seen a milk commercial knows that vitamin D is most famous for creating strong bones and healthy teeth. Studies have also shown that vitamin D may be beneficial for the following health reasons: improving weight loss, staving off respiratory infections, reducing risk of rheumatoid arthritis, reducing bone loss, reducing risk of multiple sclerosis, preventing cancer, treating osteoporosis, keeping the skin healthy, preventing premature aging and wrinkling, supporting cardiovascular health, keeping a man's sperm count steady, supporting penis health and reducing incidence of erectile dysfunction. These are just some of the many health benefits of vitamin D, with new research underway to help us further understand this powerful vitamin.

What is a vitamin D deficiency?

Simply put, a vitamin D deficiency occurs when an individual's body does not have enough vitamin D in it. Pretty easy to see the correlation on that one! Vitamin D comes from food sources such as dairy products, fish, eggs, and fortified grain products, but the body also produces vitamin D in response to sunshine. When an individual does not take in enough or produce enough vitamin D, health issues can arise.

What are the health side effects?

Perhaps the most well known symptom of vitamin D deficiency is rickets - which is a painful disease characterized by skeletal deformities, bone disease, and slow growth. Rickets is relatively rare in the United States, as it is associated with severe malnutrition, but it occurs in other parts of the world. Other potential side effects of a D deficiency that are liable to pop up in an otherwise healthy individual include the following:

    Increased risk of cardiovascular disease - including death from the condition
    Severe asthma symptoms - particularly in young children
    Increased risk of cancer
    Cognitive impairment in the elderly
    Possible erectile dysfunction - in part due to circulation issues caused by poor cardiovascular health

How to stock up on vitamin D

Skipping milk for a week is not going to cause a vitamin D deficiency, it occurs over time, from a consistently low amount of vitamin D in the system. In order to avoid it, one can stock up on food sources such as cheese, milk, fish, egg yolks, and liver. Being sure to get sunshine whenever possible will help keep the body's natural production up -- try to soak up a little sun before slathering sunscreen on, as sunscreen slows down the body's production of D. It is also important to note that individuals who have darker skin are at more of a risk of deficiency because the pigment melanin inhibits the body's production of the vitamin; therefore, they may need to rely on other methods of stocking up on D. Vitamin D supplements can also help, especially if a special diet or the time of year inhibits one from getting enough vitamin D. In terms of sexual health, a man can keep his penis healthy and stock up on D by using a penis vitamin cream every day (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A health cream delivers a daily dose of vitamin D right on the manhood so it can be absorbed easily which is important as Vitamin D may help keep a man's swimmers at the ready, while supporting penis health - if that isn't reason to believe in the power of D, nothing is!

Many men have some curvature associated with their manhood, but a truly bent penis is a rarer occurrence - and one which, strangely enough, may be related to a lack of vitamin E. Learning more about the connection between a bent penis and vitamin E is part of good penis health care.

Peyronie's disease

When the curvature in a man's penis is severe, he is typically diagnosed with a condition known as Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's is defined as the development of scar tissue inside the penis, which results in an erection that is significantly curved and frequently painful.

Peyronie's disease often starts off as a small lump just beneath the surface of the skin. Over time, this lump may also exhibit signs of scarring, and as the condition progresses, the curvature begins. In some cases, the bent penis may reach an angle approaching 90 degrees. The curvature can be upward or downward, or to the left or the right.

When the curvature is severe, there is frequently pain of varying degrees accompanying the erection. The bend may also be at an angle such that penetration becomes difficult or, in some cases, impossible.


Peyronie's disease was first described in the 18th century by Francois Gigot de la Peyronie, a French surgeon. But even though it has been studied for centuries, doctors are still not sure about the exact cause. Nowadays, doctors tend to agree that there can be multiple causes, including:

- Injury. Many believe that repeated injury to the penis is the most common cause of a bent penis. While this injury may occur ion an obvious fashion, it may also be the result of repeated "small" injuries, the kind that can occur during especially rough or vigorous sex (either with a partner or alone). The repeated injuries cause small layers of scar tissue to build up over time, creating the curvature.

- Infection. Sometimes Peyronie's is accompanied by vascular inflammation, which indicates that a vascular-related infection may be a culprit.

- Diabetes. Blood vessel damage is often a result of diabetes. When the blood vessels become damaged, the possibility of scarring increases.

- Vitamin E deficiency. Throughout the years, many doctors have noted that patients with Peyronie's also often suffer from a deficiency of vitamin E. Studies have not been conducted to determine a definite causal link, but there does seem to be a relationship between the two.

This makes sense, as vitamin E has properties which make it an excellent salve to apply to burns. Crucially, vitamin E is thought to play a role in preventing scar tissue from developing in the case of certain skin issues. In addition, vitamin E has blood dilation properties which can help to keep blood vessels in better health.

Perhaps for this reason, doctors have often recommended vitamin E to those patients with Peyronie's disease.

Without proper studies, it is impossible to know exactly what role vitamin E plays in Peyronie's disease and its treatment; however, the existing evidence does indicate there may be a benefit to making sure one has sufficient vitamin E if Peyronie's is an issue.

A bent penis (or one which is perfectly straight, for that matter), needs to be kept in good overall health - and that includes making sure vitamin E gets to the organ. Prime health can more easily be attained if a man makes regular use of a top flight penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The cremes that include vitamin E also help to tend to hydration issues, which can become a problem; penises that lack proper moisturization appear as dry or scaly. It's best to find a crème that contains both vitamin E and a high end emollient, such as shea butter. In addition, since blood vessel health impacts Peyronie's, the crème should also contain L-arginine, an enzyme which boosts nitric oxide production. This in turn creates a situation in which penile blood vessels can more readily expand and accommodate proper blood flow.
B vitamins were once thought of as a single vitamin called Vitamin B. After much research, we discovered there are actually 8 distinct vitamins. Further research has also concluded that B vitamins are water soluble, which means that they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be consistently consumed through our diet. B Vitamins have often been the talk of supplementation over the years because of the essential role it plays in the metabolic process. B Vitamins are essential in functions such as increasing the rate of metabolism, maintaining healthy skin and muscle tone, enhancing immune and nervous system functions and promoting cell growth and division. Each B Vitamin has a specific function within the metabolic process.

Vitamin B1 -  Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine. Thiamine is essential in healthy brain function and as well as metabolism of carbohydrates. Thiamine deficiencies can cause a disease called Beriberi, which is a disease of the nerve and heart. Symptoms of this disease is weight loss, emotionally unstable, weakness, pain in the arms and legs, impaired sensory perception, irregular heartbeat and in sever conditions death can occur. Thiamine can be found in a variety of foods, in low concentrations. Yeast and pork have the highest concentration of Thiamine but you can also find it in foods like whole grain cereals, wheat flour, oatmeal, flax, sunflower seeds, brown rice, kale, potatoes, oranges, liver and eggs.

Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. Riboflavin is required for many cellular processes within the body including the metabolism of energy, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and ketone bodies. Riboflavin deficiencies can cause Ariboflavinosis, which is protein- energy malnutrition. Symptoms may include cracks in the hips, sensitivity to sunlight, and inflammation of the tongue.   Riboflavin can be found in a variety of foods like milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, liver, kidneys, legumes, yeast, mushrooms, and almonds.  

Vitamin B3  - Vitamin B3 is also known as Niacin. Niacin is an essential nutrient that plays an role in metabolic process. Niacin is involved in both DNA repair, and the production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. Niacin deficiencies along with deficiencies in tryptophan are called Pellagra. Symptoms of Pellagra include aggression, inflammation of the skin, insomnia, mental confusion and diarrhea. Niacin can be found in a variety of foods such as salmon, avocados, broccoli, nuts, seeds, whole grains, carrots and mushrooms, and animal products such as steak, chicken and pork.

Vitamin B5 - Vitamin B5 is also known as Pantothenic Acid. Pantothenic is an essential nutrient to sustain life. It plays a key role in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.   Deficiencies in Pantothenic can cause acne and in severe cases can cause Paresthesia, numbness of the skin.   Panthothenic Acid can be found in many foods, but whole grain cereals, legumes, meat, eggs, and royal jelly containing the highest amounts.

Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 is also known as Pyridoxine.  Pyridoxine assists in the balancing of sodium and potassium as well as promoting red blood cell production. Pyridoxine has also been linked to cardiovascular health by decreasing the levels of Homocysteine , which has been linked to cardiovascular disease. Deficiencies in Pyridoxine may lead to anemia, high blood pressure, water retention, depression and dermatitis.   Pyridoxine can be found in various grains, green leafy vegetables, liver, eggs, and meat. 

Vitamin B7 - Vitamin B7 is also known as Biotin.   Biotin is a co-factor in the metabolism of fatty acids and leucine, and it plays a role in regulating the glucose levels in your blood.   Deficiency in adults usually does not cause any symptoms; however, in infants it can cause impaired growth and neurological disorders. Biotin can be found in a large variety of foods such as liver, legumes, soybeans, milk, in small amounts, but larger concentrations can be found in royal jelly and brewer's yeast.
Vitamin B9 - Vitamin b9 is also known as Folic Acid.  Folic Acid is essential for many biological functions such as playing a key role in the metabolism process to producing healthy red blood cells and preventing  Anemia to decreasing Homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease.   Some research has also shown evidence that Folic Acid can slow the effects of age on the brain. Folic Acid is especially important during pregnancies as a deficiency in pregnant women can lead to birth defects, which is why supplementation during pregnancy is often recommended.   Folic Acid can be found in large quantities in leafy vegetables, beans, peas, sunflower seeds, liver and baker's yeast.

Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is sometimes referred to as Cobalamin. Vitamin B12 have been a popular supplement in energy drinks because its vital role in the normal functioning of the nervous system and the brain. Along with Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 helps to produce healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also plays a part in the metabolism of the cells in the body, including their regulation and synthesis, as well as the synthesis and energy production of fatty acids. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can result in anemia, the inability of DNA to synthesize in red blood cell production, memory loss, increase chances of cardiovascular diseases and other cognitive defects. Because Vitamin B12 is only found in meat, eggs, milk and other animal products vegans must supplement their diet with Vitamin B12 or purchase plant based foods that have Vitamin B12 added to them.  

B Vitamins are the 2nd most important supplement you can take, besides a multi-vitamin for a healthy body. B Vitamins are an essential part of getting the most nutrients out of your diet and helping your body stay energized and healthy. It is very difficult to consume the optimum amounts of each B Vitamin individually so it is much easier and cheaper to take a B Vitamin complex. Even if you are not sure if you're getting too much of a specific B Vitamin, you cannot overdose because it is easily excreted out of the body. Also with a complex you are using the synergistic effect of all the B Vitamins, which means better digestion and absorption of fats, proteins and carbs. B Vitamins should be taken after a meal but do not take it at the same meal you take your multi-vitamin.

Vitamin E oil is renowned for its many amazing health properties as both an ingestible and topical curative. However, most people don't know it's also great for promoting penis health and support. Here are a few reasons why vitamin E oil makes penises great again.

In modern society, there's no shortage of things people will due in the name of health and beauty. Expensive skin care and Equinox gym memberships keep bodies fit and skin glowing. Eschewing carbs for washboard abs is as common as breathing as people try to be their best selves. However, some men forget their penis when they think about overall health... that is, until something goes wrong. One of nature's best ingredients can help keep the penis strong and full of life and keep minor and major issues at bay. Let's look at some of the health and benefits of vitamin E oil on the penis and how to incorporate it into an everyday routine.

Whole Health Benefits of Vitamin E?

Vitamin E seems to do it all! It's an antioxidant, mercilessly fighting the free-radicals that accelerate aging, cancer, and inflammation. It also is a heart-healthy vitamin which reduces cholesterol in the body, keeping blood vessels wide and open, perfect for pumping blood efficiently. It also reduces inflammation in the joints, boosts immunity, and makes skin soft and supple by retaining moisture and providing a shield from damaging UV rays. It also heals wounds, prevents itching, treats conditions like eczema and psoriasis, minimizes the appearance of scars, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Penis Health Benefits of Vitamin E

In addition to full-body health, vitamin E oil has tremendous positive effects on the penis. It improves the penile skin, creating a surface that is not only healthy but inviting for partner or solo play. It also increases elasticity and has shown to be beneficial for men suffering from Peyronie's disease, which is an extreme curve in the penis which can cause considerable pain as it's been shown to help keep skin tissue healthy and straight and long. In addition, it boosts blood flow in the body, which is critical to healthy, strong erections.

Ingestible Sources of Vitamin E

There are tons of ways to get Vitamin E. For those who want to take a natural avenue to get their 15 mg per day in, enjoy foods like:

- Nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, and hazelnuts

- Wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil

- Fish like salmon, rainbow trout, and cod

- Other sea-fare like lobster, fish roe, and octopus

- Mangos, kiwi, avocado, blackberries, and mamey sapote

People who aren't too keen on the foods above can also opt to use a high-quality supplement. Be sure not to overdo it, as there are negative effects to ingesting too much Vitamin E for those who use supplementation. For those that use food as their source of Vitamin E, it should be known it is very hard to consume too much through natural food sources.

Apply Topical Vitamin E Oil on the Penis for Optimal Health

Ingestible Vitamin E is a great way to get the minimum daily allowance. However, also putting Vitamin E oil on the penis is an ideal way to deliver the rejuvenating and revitalizing properties directly. An all-natural penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) containing vitamin E can be rubbed on the penis to heal, protect, and invigorate the skin. Other important ingredients a penis creme should contain include: shea butter, for moisturizing; Acetyl L Carnitine, for nerve healing and protection; Alpha Lipoic Acid, for cell turnover; vitamin A, for anti-bacterial properties; vitamin D, for anti-oxidant properties, and vitamin C, for collagen production and elasticity.

The value of Nutritional supplements in your daily diet

Do you need 5 a day? Exactly why do you need to try to eat fruit and vegetables? Vegetables and fruit in many cases are categorised as micronutrients and are important foodstuff as part of your well-balanced diet plan. Your body requires these tiny vitamins and minerals to support regular features that occur within the body. The body can't generate those by itself, therefore we need to have those vitamins and minerals coming from food items as well as supplements. There exists a wide range of nutrients which assist various attributes whenever consumed.

There are two kinds of vitamin supplements. Most are fats soluble as well as water disolveable. Body fat-soluble vitamins are found in unhealthy fats, for instance, graillon, butter, vegetable essential oils as well as dairy products. The Nice thing about it is actually, you don't need to eat these types of foods every day. Your body will retain these supplements using these when needed. Fat disolveable supplements are: Vitamin A Palmitate, D, E K. On the other hand, liquid disolveable supplements cannot be saved within the body so that you should have those daily. However, if you have a great number of these supplements than your body actually requires, they will be excreted out of your system. Liquid disolveable supplements can be obtained from fresh fruit, vegetables as well as grains. Some of these foods whenever cooked because of cooking lose the goodness. Goodness can also be lost when air gets to your meal. Make sure you maintain all the vitamins and minerals the foodstuffs provide by keeping these within their natural condition or perhaps steam these. Vitamin B, as well as C vitamin, are water-soluble supplements.

Additionally, there are types of nutrients that are important to include in your daily diet. As an example, Calcium, The mineral magnesium, Blood potassium, Iron as well as Zinc oxide are required. They each have a different role to play in the body. A calcium supplement is great for developing powerful bones and teeth. Calcium is known to lessen blood pressure and will also help control muscle contractions, including heartbeats. Magnesium vitamin is responsible for more than Three hundred compound capabilities within the body. It happens to be associated with a healthier immune system and you should be certain that you're including magnesium in what you eat. Food items such as nuts, such as cashews, kale and oat meal contain a great deal of magnesium mineral. Potassium is an additional nutrient that is required by the body to control fluids within the body. It is referred to as among the key electrolytes within you. Iron is significant as it makes red-coloured blood skin cells which transport much-needed oxygen around the body. Meat, spinach, fruits and nuts are good examples of iron-packed foodstuff. Finally, there's zinc oxide. Zinc assists the body to process this macro vitamins and minerals - carbohydrate food, proteins and fats. Zinc is found in meats, dairy and bread.

Known as the sunshine Vitamin D is rarely found in foodstuffs and never in large quantities. Vitamin D is actually a hormone vital to the body for sustained health and wellbeing.

Forms of Vitamin D which are gained from foodstuffs, such as Vitamins D2 and D3, are converted into their active forms after receiving exposure from UV-B light from the sun. Not getting enough sunlight, consistently eating foods lacking in vitamins and minerals, and wearing (if the climate calls for it) high factor sun block all the time may lead to a Vitamin D deficiency. Scientific studies report that a deficiency in Vitamin D may be one of the causes of male sexual dysfunction and low fertility.

Vitamin D and Testosterone

According to research from the Medical University of Graz, Austria, Vitamin D increases testosterone levels in men. In a study, 160 overweight men were given Vitamin D for 12-months in order to test the effects of the nutrient on their hormonal levels. By the end of the double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the men who were given 3,332 IU of Vitamin D daily had significantly greater testosterone levels than those given placebo. Through increasing male hormone levels, men should experience increasing energy, vitality, libido and sexual performance. Supplementing the body with artificial testosterone can be both dangerous and expensive. Natural products, such as Vitamin D which increase testosterone production are by far more preferable for the majority of men out there who want to safely improve hormonal balance.

Secret Cause of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction and impotence are complicated conditions with many possible causes; physical, hormonal and psychological. Compared to other forms of treatment, Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins to work on all of these causes. Vitamin D has a remarkable effect on the production of nitric oxide (NO); a chemical responsible for the dilation of blood vessels in the penis. Studies on animals have shown that Vitamin D-deficient animals produce half the amount of normal NO, when compared to animals with normal Vitamin D levels. Scientists from the Sunlight Institute, USA have also found that Vitamin D is effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke and heart attack. Vitamin D is a powerful protector for the entire cardiovascular system, including the penis, and supplementing with Vitamin D has been proven to reduce the risk of death by cardiovascular disease by 61%.

The SAD Winter Blues

It's hard to have that get up and go feeling when you feel down. Depression in men is a common and very powerful cause for low libido and erectile dysfunction. While in many cases depression is psychogenic and is purely emotional in nature, for many men the cause is nutritional. Over the winter months it is more common for people to feel blue, and one of the reasons for this is the declining Vitamin D status in the body from reduced sun exposure. When winter blues become so serious as to require a clinical diagnosis, it is termed as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.

Vitamin D supplementation is often the primary treatment for men suffering from SAD. In addition, scientists from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran found that Vitamin D combined with anti-depressants was a more effective treatment for patients with major depression than medication alone. So to bring the spring back into your step, lighten your mood, and improve the action between the sheets, Vitamin D may well be just what the doctor ordered.

Penis Health Crèmes

Penis health crèmes are therapeutic products designed to support the connective tissues, circulation and performance of the penis. It is not advisable to use most types of artificial chemicals found in creams and soaps on the penis, as the skin cells are highly sensitive. Specialist male crèmes (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) use nutrients, such as Vitamin D, in a shea butter base for fast absorption. This takes the nutrients directly to the tissues that require them, supporting hormone production, blood vessel health and nerve sensitivity. For men who want to improve penis health the natural and safe way, using penis health crèmes as a primary source of Vitamin D will support the entire reproductive system in a holistic fashion.


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