What is Kidney stone and ways of Prevention

The thought of penis pain can be quite troubling for any guy. In most cases, penis pain is quite fleeting. It often comes from a source a man knows well, such as excessive masturbation, rough sex or even an infection that can be cleared up with antibiotics. Good penis care is often enough to get a man back on track.

But the pain of kidney stones is a whole other beast. Though kidney stones can cause pain and pressure in all parts of the midsection, they can cause serious penis pain as well, especially during the time the stone is actively passing out of the body. Here's what a man needs to know when he is confronted with the pain of kidney stones.

What are kidney stones?

If a man suffers from certain medical conditions or simply doesn't drink enough water, the minerals in the foods he eats can collect in the kidney, where they form tiny stones. These stones might be in the kidney for years and never cause any problems. However, when they do begin to migrate, they do so by moving into the ureter. This is the thin tube between the kidney and the bladder.

Often the kidney stones are too big to pass through the ureter, so they become stuck there. This can lead to serious pain in the side and back, as well as other areas of the midsection.

Why do they cause penis pain?

Sometimes a man will suffer what is known as referred pain. This happens when the kidney stone lodges somewhere, but the pain is felt somewhere else. For instance, a kidney stone that lodges in the ureter might actually lead to testicle or penis pain.

Penis pain from kidney stones might also be more direct. This can happen when the stone is passed. It must go through the penis to get out - it is usually expelled during urination - and it might occasionally lodge in the shaft. This can lead to penis pain that won't be relieved until the stone is gone.

What can a man do to ease the hurt?

Kidney stones are no joke - in fact, many people consider the pain to be worse than even the pain of childbirth. At the first sign of serious pain, most people who have on their way to the hospital to figure out what's wrong.

Kidney stones can be removed in a few ways. The doctor will first order x-rays, CT scans or ultrasounds to find the figure out how big they are. Some are too big to pass; in that case, they will be broken up by sound waves. Some doctors will choose to use a scope, inserted into the urethra, to pull the stones out. And in serious cases, surgery will be required.

In almost all these cases, a man will first be offered significant pain medication for immediate relief. (Hear that? It's a big sigh of thanks from men everywhere!)

Avoiding kidney stones

To avoid kidney stones in the first place, a man can drink plenty of water, at least 60 ounces each day. He should also avoid sodas and other carbonated beverages, as these up the chances by 23 percent. Interestingly, drinking more coffee and orange juice might stop the stones from forming.

Whenever a man is dealing with penis pain, it is a good reminder to exercise the best possible penis care. A specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a great way to ensure the penis skin is always smooth and supple. Applying it every day can also help a man remember to examine his manhood quite carefully on a regular basis, so he can spot problems that might arise. Look for a crème with powerful ingredients, including vitamins A, D and C, as well as amino acids to keep the penis as healthy as possible.

Some people, including myself, have kidney stones every few years and have learned to deal with the unpleasant events on their own terms without having to seek medical attention. Most incidents last only a few hours, and in some extreme cases, for several days, however it is entirely up to the individual on how best to manage these situations depending on their own pain threshold, tolerance, and motivation to avoid associated medical costs. This article is directed to those who desire to deal with their kidney stones themselves and is offered for information purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice but rather as a description of my own experience with them. You are strongly advised to consult with a licensed care provider before attempting to implement anything that may affect your health.

As the body processes food to gain energy and repair tissue, it takes what it needs and directs all the waste products in the bloodstream to the kidneys for elimination through the urine stream. Kidney stones generally form in people when certain substances in the urine become highly concentrated such as phosphorus, calcium, and oxalate. When kidney stones are forming, people often feel them initially as a soreness or pressure in the kidney region of the back which progresses to an ache, and eventually it becomes a severe back pain when the stone moves through the ureter. It has often been said that the pain from kidney stones is the closest thing to labor and birth pains that a man can feel, so ladies maybe there is some justice in the world after all.

There are basically four major types of kidney stones, based upon their chemical composition:

1. Uric Acid Stones - The body forms these types of stones when the urine is consistently acidic. Diets that are rich in purines, substances found in animal protein such as fish, meats, and shellfish tend to increase uric acid in urine. When uric acid becomes concentrated in urine, then it can settle in the kidney to form a stone by itself, or with calcium. High uric acid in the urine has also been linked to the cause of gout.

2. Calcium Stones - These are the most common type of kidney stone and occur in two forms: calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. Calcium phosphate stones are created by the combination of high urine calcium and alkaline urine (high pH). Calcium oxalate stones are much more common. They are usually formed by high calcium and high oxalate excretion. Care providers often suggest people with these kind of stones eliminate as many foods from their diet that are high in phosphate and oxalate.

3. Cystine stones - These type of kidney stones result from a genetic disorder that causes cystine to leak through the kidneys and into the urine, forming crystals that accumulate to form stones.

4. Stuvite stones - These type of kidney stones result from kidney infections. Individuals who can eliminate infected stones from their urinary tract and stay infection-free can usually eliminate or reduce further occurrences.

The vast majority of kidney stones are small and can be passed out through the urine. Your physician may recommend reducing the load on the kidneys by ingesting more fluids, especially water. He may also recommend taking a diuretic to increase the urine flow. The stones get dissolved in the excess fluid and are then easily eliminated in the urine stream. Drinking a few beers has even been known to help. Generally it takes from six to eight glasses of water a day consumed in regular intervals. If the urine is a pale-yellow color, it indicates that you are consuming an adequate amount of water.

People with kidney stones are in so much pain that they often lie down and wait for nature to take its course; however, this is not a good idea. Movement and activity are better choices to hasten the passing of a kidney stone. I have actually gone for walks, road my bicycle, and used a rowing machine to create extra movement in the back muscles and tissues around the kidney area once I feel one coming on. If the stone is the size of a grain of rice, for example, it will take several hours to work its way through the ureter and any exercise helps speed up the process.

While increasing fluid intake, it is equally important to not consume foods that restrict or decrease the flow of urine such as caffeine. Beverages such as coffee tend to dehydrate the body and reduce urine production and flow, while actually encouraging the formation of new stones due to concentrated urine.

Large sized kidney stones may require surgery or removal by ultrasound, which uses sonic bursts to break them up into smaller pieces. Before expensive medical procedures are used, however, many kidney stones can be chemically dissolved using acidic acid from lemons and grapefruit. Make some strong lemonade without sugar or sweetener, using one real lemon per quart. To this mixture add diet cranberry juice for flavor and drink as much as possible. This drink will breakdown the kidney stones within hours and hasten their passing with less pain.

To alleviate the pain, you can take aspirin, acetaminophen, and other over-the-counter pain medication along with a nice long hot shower every twelve hours. If your shower head has a pulse action setting, then use it directly on your kidney region with as much hot water as you can tolerate. Massage your kidneys for at least ten minutes using this procedure and the movement will expand the ureter and relieve some of the pain. Following the hot shower, use a vibrating massager on your kidneys for at least thirty minutes and then apply an electric heating pad to the kidneys for several hours.

It is essential to identify what kind of kidney stones you have, so you can develop procedures to prevent the formation of future events. Every time you urinate, make sure you do it through a strainer or filter held over the toilet. An old pair of pantyhose draped inside a milk jar, or any other wide mouth bottle, can be used for this purpose as well. Once you have captured the kidney stone, then put it in a plastic bag or used prescription container and deliver it to your doctor. He will be able to forward it to a lab and analyze its composition and prescribe a treatment to eliminate future kidney stones.

Typical treatment recommendations based on the specific type of kidney stone include the following procedures:

Calcium Oxalate Stones

    reduce animal protein, such as processed meats, eggs, and fish
    get enough calcium from a proper diet or take calcium supplements with food. People who form calcium oxalate stones should include 800 mg of calcium in their diet every day, not only for kidney stone prevention but also to maintain adequate bone density.
    avoid foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, asparagus, grapes, almonds, rhubarb, nuts, wheat bran, and cinnamon-apple cider
    reduce sodium and ingest more potassium from bananas. This is a good strategy. Reducing sodium intake from salt is preferred over reducing calcium intake from milk and dairy products.

Calcium Phosphate Stones

    reduce animal protein and purines in your diet
    get enough calcium from your diet or take calcium supplements with your food.
    reduce sodium and ingest more potassium as noted above
    According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of sodium is 2,300 milligrams (mg), but the average American intakes around 3,400 mg. The risk of kidney stones increases proportionately with increased daily sodium consumption.

Uric Acid Stones

    limit animal protein
    ask your physician to prescribe Allopurinol medication, or equal

Staying adequately hydrated each day is the best strategy to help prevent most types of kidney stone formation. Health care providers and athletic trainers generally recommend people drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid a day, enough to create at least 2 liters of urine daily. People with cystine stones should drink even more. Although water is best, other fluids may also help prevent kidney stones, such as citrus drinks containing acidic acid and surprisingly, beer. Now you can tell people when you are enjoying your next beer that you are actually just taking your medicine. It works for me.

Effective kidney stone treatment is like the holy grail for stoneformers or people that are suffering from kidney stones. Kidney Stone is one of the most common reason for hospital emergency room visit. Passing a kidney stone can give you an extreme pain sensation, it has been said to be ten times more painful than natural child birth.

There are medical procedures that can help remove the kidney stone from a patient, procedures like Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is non evasive and can surely help the patient relieved from the stone. However, these procedures are expensive and will not guarantee that you will not have another stone attack.

People who have experience the pain of passing a stone will absolutely dread another painful experience, but unfortunately, there will be a greater chance of forming another stone after you've had your first. There is absolute cure for kidney stone, there is no procedure that will make a stoneformer free of another stone attack. But the very least a person can do is do a lifestyle change and to lessen the frequency of stone attacks and to deal with this painful crystals while they are very small and can be dissolved.

As a certified stoneformer, I live in horror for another painful stone attack. I little pain in the back makes me so scared that it will into a pain like a bus hitting me over and over again. So I'm in constant search for an effective kidney stone treatment, I find that besides living healthy and drinking tons of water a day, taking rowatinex is an effective maintenance treatment

ROWATINEX is a diuresis that relaxes the urinary tract and assist in passing and dissolving of stones. If you were diagnosed with stones and the stone is less than 5mm your urologist might advise you to just go home drink fluids, take pain medications and wait for the stone to pass, which you will be lucky if it passes in the next few hours some stones will not pass for a few weeks. But luckily I found a good Urologist who did not only advised me to take water and pain medications, he also prescribed Rowatinex that he said will dissolved my stones and he was right, I never saw the stone pass and the pain was gone the next day, the next month during my Kidney Ureter Ultrasound, the stone was completely gone, and it was a 3mm stone.

That was my third stone attack in 5 months. I was then advised by my Urologist to take Rowatinex for 1 week, 2 capsules a day every months to avoid crystal build up. And I have never had another stone attack for over 2 years since then. So believe this little round capsules does miracles.

This medicine does not have any side effects and all of its components are safe, it is even safe for pregnant and lactating moms. So if you are a kidney stone sufferer, I suggest you ask your urologist about Rowatinex

While it is essential to receive appropriate medical treatment for patients with kidney disease, there are also other causes of action that can be taken, such as eating a healthy diet. A proper diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables can reduce or prevent many of the symptoms associated with kidney disease. Let's take a look at a few of the remedies for kidney disease:

Low-salt diet

Kidney disease puts a lot of strain on the body, so it is helpful to cut salt to a minimum. It helps to cut convenience-style meals and frozen foods from the diet because they are well-known to be very high in salt content. Instead, eat a diet that is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, avoid adding a lot of spices to meals.

Dandelion greens

Dandelion greens have a peppery, bitter flavor and is easily added to a variety of meals. It is a very reliable source of vitamin A and with its diuretic properties can provide plenty of health benefits, including the ability to treat kidney disease.

Parsley juice

Parsley is one of the most popular home remedies for cleansing the kidneys. This green leafy vegetable is rich in copper, riboflavin, vitamin C and vitamin A. Parsley is very easy to add to the diet. For instance, it can simply be placed in water and boiled. Once, the water is cool it is ready to drink. It will help to lower toxicity levels in the kidneys and also benefit the health in general. Also, this vegetable can make a useful diuretic substance which will help to flush out the build up of toxins in the body.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are a very useful option for kidney disease. There are several herbal teas that can help such as dandelion tea, gravel root tea, blueberry tea, marshmallow tea and green tea. Most of these herbal teas are very high in detoxifying compounds and antioxidants that can help to manage the proper function of the kidneys.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is a delicious and effective option for treating kidney related issues. Cranberries contain certain compounds that can help to lower the degree of infection in the kidneys. Simply drink a few glasses of this juice when experience episodes of irritation or inflammation in the area of the kidneys. However, it is important to still control the intake of this juice because it can be toxic if consumed in high volume.

Kidney stone removal has four procedures/methods:

1. Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

Kidney stone removal of ESWL uses non-electrical shock waves that are produced out of the body to pass through the skin and body tissues until the shockwaves hit the solid stones. The stones turn out to be sand-like and are passed.

For removal of this procedure, patient acre located in a tub of warm, purified water or onto water cushion machine that operates as a means for passing on these non-electrical shockwaves.

2. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PNL)

Different from removal method mentioned above, Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is regularly utilized when the stone is very large or in a place that does not permit effectual use of ESWL.

In this procedure of kidney stone removal, the surgeon makes an insignificant incision in the back and makes a tunnel immediately into the kidney. By means of an instrument called a nephroscope, the stone is positioned and removed. For large stones, an energy probe (ultrasonic or electrohydraulic) perhaps required to break down the stone into smaller pieces for removal.

The benefit of this procedure over lithotripsy is the physical removal of the stone fragments rather than relying on their natural passage from the kidney to the outside.

3. Ureteroscopic Stone Removal

Ureteroscopic stone removal is accomplished by passing a small fiberoptic instrument (an ureteroscope) through the urethra and bladder into the ureter. The surgeon afterward locates the stone and either removes it with a cage-like tool or breaks it with a particular instrument that creates a form of shockwave. A small tube (or stent) possibly left in the ureter for more than a few days after treatment to assist the lining of the ureter to heal.

This removal procedure is operated under common anesthesia to treat stones found in the middle and lower ureter. Small stones are removed and large stones are broken by a laser or similar device.

4. Open (incisional) Surgery

This last removal method includes opening the affected area and removing the stone(s). In this procedure, run in an operating room after a person has been given anesthesia, the surgeon creates an incision in the skin and unlocks the pelvis of the kidney or the ureter in order that the stone can be manually removed. Since open surgery is a principal operation, healing may need four to six weeks.

Fact! About 1 out of every 10 people will develop kidney stones sometime in their lifetime.

Are you part of this kidney stone 10 percent? If you are, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news! You know that kidney stones are more than a prick on the finger. More realistically, kidney stones have been compared to delivering a baby. How does that sound, men? Common symptoms of kidney stones could include: excruciating pain, sore back, back spasms, abdominal and groin pain, bloody and cloudy urine, fatigue, nausea, fever and chills. And these unforgiving symptoms can last for months until the kidney stones are passed.

And the good news! If you have read this far, I know you are taking your health serious enough to look for the most effective treatment. And I would like to introduce to you one of the most effective natural treatments for kidney stones available!

You could actually dissolve and pass kidney stones naturally using phosphoric acid! And the best part is you can dissolve and pass them painlessly! And for 1/1000 of the price of surgery!

Your Kidney Stone Treatment Options

As we jumped into the 21st century, technology and research has been a staple of the medical industry. And as we become more knowledgeable about medicine and treatment, it has been proven that common remedies from over 50 years ago are sometimes just as effective as traditional treatment. And this holds true to a natural home remedy for kidney stones.

As you consider what treatment is best for your situation it is important to be professionally diagnosed for kidney stones. And you will find that just like snowflakes, no two kidney stones are alike. Kidney stones vary from size, shape, and composition (though most stones consist of calcium). And the best news yet, most kidney stones can be dissolved and passed naturally with no use of medication or surgery.

Treatments prescribed vary from person to person because of the size, shape and composition. Many sufferers will be prescribed some pain medication and suggested to drink 2 to 3 quarts of water each day until the stones pass naturally. Others might need more expensive treatments such as: extracorporeal shock wave lithotipsy (ESWL), percutaneous nephrolithotomy or ureteroscopic stone removal which prove to be effective but also expensive. Are you willing to give up a month's salary for a surgery that is often unneeded?

You don't need to!

How Phosphoric Acid Dissolves Calcium Deposits

Fact! Soft drinks are commonly mistaken as the cause of kidney stones. But in most cases, kidney stones are caused by the sufferer's lack of hydration (water intake). After months or years of consistent dehydration, the body cannot effectively flush toxins, impurities and calcium. And one result (of many) is calcium buildup in the kidneys.

But why do soft drinks take the rap? Typically, people who drink 3-4 cans of soft drinks a day are suffering from dehydration in on a daily basis and don't know it. Have you ever went the whole day and didn't drink an ounce of water? I guarantee you would not even know you were thirsty if you had a can or two of Coke.

Though soft drinks can cause kidney stones because drinkers forget to drink water; some soft drinks (containing phosphoric acid) can actually help dissolve kidney stones.

A Researched Remedy: Phosphoric Acid

After researchers speculated a link between soft drinks and kidney stones, researchers conducted a test on over 1000 ex-kidney stone sufferers and the recurrence of the stones. And the results might surprise you?

During the 36 month study, half of the sufferers promised to abstain from any form of carbonated beverage (soft drinks) and the other half tested would continue to drink at least 5 ounces of their preferred soft drink of choice. After the 3 year trial, drinkers of soft drinks were one-third less likely to experience a recurrence of kidney stones. And the men who completely stopped drinking soft drinks were one-third more likely to relapse with kidney stones.

The researchers thought just the opposite and were puzzled. Could something be naturally dissolving kidney stones in soft drinks?

Is phosphoric acid a natural dissolvent of calcium?

The Remedy Tested!

Research leads to proven remedy! Can phosphoric acid dissolve calcium build up? Many researchers also experimented with a natural remedy (phosphoric acid) to dissolve and pass kidney stones. Again, researchers were baffled because it worked! To learn more about a guaranteed natural home-remedy (using phosphoric acid) to dissolve and pass your kidney stones in less than 24 hours... please check out our Dissolve and Pass Kidney Stones Naturally website today!

Suffering from stone formation in the kidneys is one of the most common concerns for most people out there. Unhealthy food habits and inadequate water consumption are considered as the prime reasons behind the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

The accumulation of dissolved minerals in the inner lining of the kidneys results in the formation of stones which can grow from small to the size of a large golf ball with a crystalline structure.

As mentioned earlier lack of adequate water intake in the body leads to the formation of stones in the kidney as the insufficient supply of water fails to dilute the uric acid which makes the urine more acidic that gradually lead to stones formation. The most common symptoms of this disorder are bleeding and burning sensation while urination, vomiting, the formation of pus in the urine in association with fever and shivering.

Medical practitioners and researchers suggested maintaining a healthy lifestyle backed up by a nutritious diet plan and most importantly regular consumption of a minimum of 8 - 10 glasses of water or healthy juices lower the risks of stone formation in the kidneys. If you are sufficiently hydrated it will help your system to dilute the chemicals responsible for stone formation.

Apart from water, the inclusion of top 3 food habits in your diet can plays significant role in kidney stone prevention. Such as:

1. Increase in citrus intake: The best sources of naturally occurring citric acid are lemon, oranges, and grapefruits. Citric acid builds a protective shield against the formation of stones in your kidney. It helps in breaking up the potential blocks of stone formation into smaller pieces which get expelled through urination.

2. Include calcium (Vitamin D): Lower your oxalate level by including more calcium into your diet. It is always advisable by the health experts to extract calcium from natural sources rather than from the supplements. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered as the prime sources to obtain calcium. Apart from these, dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are also the rich source of calcium. It is equally essential to increase the intake of vitamin D, as it helps in the absorption of more calcium. The lower is the calcium level in your diet, the more is the increase in oxalate level which is primarily responsible for the stone formation.

3. Watery fruits and vegetables: Though drinking sufficient water and healthy fluids are advisable to prevent stones formation, the consumption of watery fruits and vegetables are prescribed by the physicians to get rid of stones. The inclusion of watery fruits and vegetables like watermelon, raspberries, oranges, cucumber, and pineapple help in keeping the body well hydrated thus reducing the possibility of stone formation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

The build-up of stones depends on a lot of factors including hereditary and medical cases have also proved that one person may suffer from kidney stones for multiple times during his/her lifetime and men is the worst sufferer of chronic stone formation. Prevention of causes that are responsible for this complication is a bit tough process which requires some patience and determination. One must not ignore the primary symptoms of stone formation before it takes a fatal leap.


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